Some stories reveal deeper truths.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

There’s an ancient Greek word (eutonia) that means “good tension”. It referred to the proper amount of strain that created focused attention, active engagement, and delivered healthy benefits to the mind and body. Greeks of the old world understood that tension is a fundamental necessity for mental and physical health. Excess or insufficient tension equally contribute to breakdown.

You need tension. Escaping it is impossible. Avoiding it is unwise. But you can drown in too much of it. For an updated and analogous description we are aiming for Goldilocks tension. Not too much. Not too little. Just the right amount to stay boldly aware and firmly in command of yourself and the standards you live. Keep you attentive. Keep you pushing. Keep you uniquely and actively alive.

Discipline is the shortcut. Do the work.

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