Step #1 to identify your personal obstacles

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We all face internal barriers. Things about us or within us that block us from moving forward. You will encounter personal obstacles no matter who you are, what you want, or how you go after it. Progress and achievement require overcoming them.

Don’t let your internal barriers stay mysterious. The first thing you want to do is identify whether your barrier is intellectual or emotional.

Do you know what to do or not? Are you genuinely without the knowledge or awareness of what to do? If you honestly don’t know, then your barrier is intellectual. 

Or do you know but not do? Do you know but doubt, resist, and avoid? If you know but don’t do, then your barrier is emotional.

Solving intellectual barriers is relatively easy. Learn the information and apply it. Solving emotional barriers is harder work. It’s raw, real, and there’s nowhere to hide. But it’s the real game-changer.

Next step: categorize your internal obstacles and get to work knocking them down.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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