Step One Is One Step

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Your decisions have meaning today. Each has an aim and a direction.

One decision rarely changes much by itself, but all changes start with one decision. Undisciplined patterns develop by doing something once, then repeating it more over time. Disciplined patterns form the same way.

You can convince yourself that any single choice on a given day won't make much difference. That may be technically accurate since eating one salad won't get you in shape, but it's personally false. Every decision makes some difference. Your responsibility is to become aware and confident of what difference it's making.

There are no directionless decisions. Think of every decision as a single step — a step towards your future. An undisciplined decision is a step in the wrong direction. A disciplined decision is a step in the right direction. Each choice takes you in one direction or the other. Each undisciplined choice is one more step in a direction you don't want to go, making your journey back even longer and more daunting. 

Will one step change everything? Probably not. Can one step change your trajectory? Yes, it can. More importantly, since every decision is a step, the impact of all your steps adds up to meaningful movement in one direction or the other.

Evaluate yourself one choice at a time today. Consider the aim and direction of each decision. Extend it beyond the moment. Imagine making similar choices again and again throughout your life. Consider the cause and effect of what that produces and where that leads.

Your decisions determine your direction. Step one is one step.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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