The most important choice I’ve ever made

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

I chose to become a disciplined person. I was not born this way. I became this way by observing, studying, practicing, and performing. Personal discipline is not at all natural for me and is full of weekly peaks and valleys, even with the intense effort I bring.

Over the years, I have observed how common it is for people to want things they barely work to earn, complain about things they barely attempt to solve, and accept things they barely pretend to enjoy. I have never been interested in living that version of life. It may work beautifully for some, but it doesn't for me.

The majority of people who lack discipline are actively or passively trying to avoid it. They want it to happen smoothly and naturally like a habit. When that doesn't happen they believe the only option is to dramatically and forcefully impose discipline onto their lives like in the military. No wonder people resist a disciplined life if those are the two primary ways they think it happens.

It took me almost 30 years to understand that discipline is a choice I make, a skill I continuously develop, and an imperfect path I walk. As I write this I can picture my choices, the skills I'm working on, and the imperfections that exist within my own discipline.

If you're feeling disconnected from discipline or stuck on a plateau of some kind, don't worry: we've all been there. Today is a new day. Let's bring a renewed energy to the effort.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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