The Time Management Principle You’ve Never Heard.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

What you value in life is not the same at 15 years-old as it is at 30, 50, and 70 years-old. Why is that?

Yesterday I shared two ancient Greek measures of time: chronos (passage, amount, quantity) and kairos (value, importance, quality).

But there’s one more word that Greeks used to measure time and it might be the most powerful one of all: Aeon.

Aeon is the cycle of time. Beginning - Middle - End - Rebeginning. It represents the eras, seasons, and periods of life. Each has its own characteristics. It’s own purpose. It’s own lifecycle.

Birth. Growth. Decline. Death. Rebirth.
Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter.

Aeon is important to understand the transition of time.

By understanding aeon we can understand this massive influence on our experiences, transitions, and transformations as well as the people around us. It’s not only the passage of time (chronos) or importance of a moment (kairos) that matters, but also where you are in the cycle or season (aeon).

What you may need in the first couple years of your marriage is not the same as it is after a couple kids or a couple decades together. Same for your spouse.

The mindset, skill, and style you launched your career with may not be the ones to advance your career or enough to sustain it. Coaching or teaching in the 1980’s and 1990’s was a different era than 2021.

Eras transition. Seasons cycle. Periods change.

With them, so do people. So do you.

Everything is training for something.

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