The Two Hidden Dangers of Getting What You Want

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We rarely discuss the dangers of achieving what you want.

We constantly talk about achieving dreams and what that requires, but rarely about what happens after that.

Two dangers emerge after getting what you want:

  1. It's not as fulfilling as you thought it would be, or the fulfillment isn't as lasting.
  2. The drive that fuels your focus, energy, and discipline drops sharply as your interest or hunger disappears.

This combination is fatal to your future: unfulfilled and undisciplined. And it stems, surprisingly, from realizing a big dream and achieving the reward.

Fulfillment isn't found or achieved through external achievements, even those of excellence. You create fulfillment through acts of discipline aimed at a worthy purpose.

As you pursue your dreams, remember to look beyond them so you don't fall into the dangerous pit on the other side of success. 

The time is now. Do the work.

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