Threats below the surface

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Imagine your goals for the year are sitting atop icebergs on the horizon. Some are bigger, some smaller. Some are closer, some further. You board your ship, set your course, and steam ahead.

But your knowledge of icebergs reminds you there is more than what you see on the surface. Below every iceberg goal lurks larger threats. To accomplish your goals, you must navigate the seen and unseen icebergs.

With every outcome you want, you must navigate two factors, not only this year but always:

  1. All the the things you encounter beyond your control.
  2. Your ability and willingness to control yourself.

That is what E+R=O helps you do and why it’s our theme this year.

How do you use what is in your control to overcome what is not in your control and still produce the results you want?

We will not let what is outside our control prevent us from creating great outcomes. But great outcomes won’t create themselves. We must earn them.

We must develop the ability and willingness to control ourselves to do that. That’s the intersection of E+R=O and discipline.

Event + Response = Outcome. Do the work.

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