What is life’s greatest mission?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Life has no greater mission than controlling what is in your control. 

You've heard that before, right? Have you fully accepted it? Chances are good that you haven't. Not really. Not practically. Not entirely.

It's just a concept you turn to when you meet uncertainty. It's a quote you use when you face adversity. It's a reminder you say, mainly after you catch yourself or others trying to control the uncontrollable.

What is in your control? You.
What is uncontrollable? Everything but you.

Conceptually you get it, but practically you disregard it in too many circumstances. You may even claim to believe it, but your thoughts, decisions, and actions tell a different story.

You expend energy and burn time on things beyond your control, some of them having nothing to do with you or your life. You deny attention and energy to factors in your control, partly due to spending too much time on things beyond your control.

You haven't recognized the nature of the world. You haven't fully accepted the responsibility of total control. You haven't chosen to make it your lifestyle yet.

The question is . . . why not? And what are you waiting for?

The time is now. Do the work.

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