What should guide our lives?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Two of the biggest factors that make life hard:

  1. We don’t know how the future will unfold. The future is unknowable, both immediately and eventually.
  2. We can’t see the immediate rewards of our decisions and actions. The delay between actions and their ultimate consequences occurs on a long horizon.

Without knowing how life will unfold and without being able to see the immediate fruits of our labors, what should guide our actions?

This is what everyone is (a) trying to figure out or (b) letting their strongest feelings determine. We’re all doing different mixtures of both.

This question (“What should guide my actions?”) is the reason for virtue and discipline. Guided by virtue and fueled by discipline, you will experience great rewards, however delayed they may be.

Virtue and discipline cannot guarantee that life will unfold kindly for you. Nothing can guarantee that. Virtue and discipline make it so you don’t need ideal circumstances to succeed. The tighter you stay to virtue and discipline, the more assured your success and fulfillment.

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