Which happens first: Happiness or Success?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We all hold beliefs about the connection between our external world and our internal world. Specifically, we have beliefs about how external factors affect our internal feelings.

We believe things, consciously and unconsciously, about the cause & effect relationship between external circumstances and our internal sense of contentment.

Two beliefs frequently guide people's decisions and actions:

  1. "I can't be [INTERNAL FEELING] unless/until [EXTERNAL FACTOR]."
  2. "Once I have [EXTERNAL FACTOR], then I'll be [INTERNAL FEELING]."

What is the consequence of believing either or both of these? What if you reversed those beliefs and believed the exact opposite?

  1. "I can be [INTERNAL FEELING] with or without [EXTERNAL FACTOR]."
  2. "When I am [INTERNAL FEELING], then I'll have a better chance at [EXTERNAL FACTOR]."

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