Why we need to witness excellence

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Exceptional discipline, empathy, or courage is stunning to experience and amazing to witness. Witnessing excellence in another person's behavior is as captivating as witnessing extraordinary physical feats.

Watching a quarterback throw a perfect pass for a touchdown or a powerlifter deadlift 600 lbs is impressive, but witnessing a mother's patience or an entrepreneur's perseverance is equally, if not more, impressive.

It's not hyperbole to say that one meaningful experience with a person of true excellence can change the trajectory of your life. Excellence inspires and changes lives, not only through its impact but through its presence. It creates an energy that calls us to discover the excellence in ourselves.

You also can alter the trajectory of people's lives through your unique excellence. It doesn't matter how or where you demonstrate excellence. It matters that you honor your capacity for excellence and bring it to life. 

Offer your excellence to the world. Excellence always changes lives. It can't help it.

The time is now. Do the work.

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