You can win without the best talent

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Lack of talent is a real thing. I was a 5’8” 180 lb college football player. On a football field I was always the smallest and never the fastest. Bigger, faster, stronger, more talented players was not only the norm, it was the expectation in everything I ever did in the sport, practice and games.

Here’s the thing . . . I never considered lack of talent as a reason I couldn’t play, compete, and win. Not once. Because talent is only potential. Talent is paper value, not practical value. Execution is what counts. I couldn’t do anything about my talent. I could do everything about my execution. Who was more talented never crossed my mind. I was only interested in who could do it better.

Talent is one factor, but rarely the deciding factor, in who wins. Lack of talent is overcome by the addition of skill. Absence of natural ability is conquered by the presence of intense work. Weak capabilities are improved by strong minds. Always remember that winning is determined by who can do it better, not who has the most talent.

Do the work.

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