You can’t afford to ignore your weaknesses

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The weaknesses that hold us back are almost always fixable. If not fixable into legitimate strengths, then fixable to neutralize them so they don’t undermine the rest of our efforts.

How often, though, do we notice a flaw, weakness, or mediocrity in our behavior patterns and do nothing about it?

No serious acknowledgment of its consequences. No disciplined effort to address it. No substantial work to improve it.

It’s not a mistake to have weaknesses. We all have flaws. The mistake is leaving our weaknesses unaddressed. Not because we must be perfect but because we want to be productive.

When you notice a flaw in yourself, when you recognize a weakness in your behavior patterns, please don’t ignore it. Don’t bury it.

Address it and improve it.

Directly. Simply. Decisively.

The time is now. Do the work.

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