It’s not the experience of conflict that shapes your life but how you resolve it. Not all conflict is created equal, though. Some matter more than others. Here are four camouflaged conflicts that shape your life.
Higher Self-Lower Self:
Your higher self calls you to discipline and excellence, while your lower self pulls you to dysfunction and mediocrity. They are locked in a forever conflict. You resolve the conflict moment-to-moment, day by day. You either answer the call of your higher self or follow the pull of your lower self.
No one can make you accept responsibility. You must choose to accept it. Responsibility is only a skill and virtue because of our limitless capacity to seek and find ways to avoid it. Even the most responsible people feel the urge of resistance within themselves. It’s a constant conflict under the surface of every situation.
We all want opportunity and the rewards that come with it. But standing in the way of every opportunity is the adversity you must overcome to capture it. Opportunity and adversity scale up and down in sync with one another in eternal conflict.
Everything must fit into the time available, whether the next 30 minutes or the next 30 years. You think about the current moment and the moments ahead. You make decisions about what to do now and what to do later, what to do today and what to do tomorrow. The conflict is that you must decide what to do and when.
Some conflicts are obvious. Others are subtle. If you observe closely, you will find conflict everywhere, in everything. Then, you can become more intentional and disciplined in resolving it.
Event + Response = Outcome. Do the work.
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