Activate in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Within you resides the most powerful engine in the known universe. It can think, feel, and reason. It can imagine, invent, and intuit. It is equally capable of believing without seeing as it is seeing without believing.

It can gaze through the mist of the past and anticipate through the fog of the future. It can change in an instant or endure for a lifetime. It is so powerful that it can rise above itself to override its weaknesses and limitations.

I'm talking, of course, about your brain, the wonderful, complex, mysterious mound of organic machinery responsible for directing your life. It is the engine behind the most minor motor task of bending your finger to the modest mental task of processing criticism to the massive multitask of flying a fighter jet.

This is the power that resides within you. And while some of this power flows automatically through you into your perceptions, thoughts, decisions, and actions, you must activate most of its power.

The power to channel attention and energy into a single pursuit. The power to generate courage and conviction in uncertainty. The power to immerse and intertwine with another person.

Never underestimate the power that lives within you. Recognize it. Respect it. Honor it. Don't waste your power. Activate it.

Event + Response = Outcome. Do the work.

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