All systems ENGAGE!

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

When discipline in a key area of your life feels intimidating, it’s due to the way you see it and think about it. And it will continue to feel that way until you see and think about it differently. If you find your feelings getting in the way of your effort and commitment, pay close attention to this.

How you see and think about discipline is the first filter that shapes how you approach it and engage with it. The lens you look through, the hidden beliefs you hold, and as I’ve mentioned here so many times, the stories you tell yourself about it.

You will avoid what you see as personally inconvenient or painful. You will always prioritize what you see as personally valuable. When you think of disciplined effort as boring and improbable, it feels intimidating and pulls you to disengage. When you think of it as a fun and worthy challenge, it feels exciting and pushes you to engage.

Discipline is the shortcut. Do the work.

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