Are you trying to heal or stay wounded?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Something important happened in your life long ago that you can't affect now. Something else is happening now that you can affect. Something will happen in the future that you will have the chance to affect.

Past, present, and future all exist within you. You reflect on the past, manage the present, and project into the future. Sometimes, you do it all at once. The future calls you. The present directs you. The past teaches you.

No matter what happened in the past or what might happen in the future, you must work in the present. You can't change your past, but you can make peace with it. You can't control your future, but you can prepare for it.

Here in the present is where you have power. Power to heal from the past. Power to change the future. Power to make the most of this day.

Today – right here, right now – is the most important day of your life.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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