Dealing With Last Minute Problems

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

When inconvenient circumstances like last minute problems are dealt to you, how you choose to respond is more important than the inconvenience itself. What is in your control matters far more than what’s not in your control. The circumstance doesn’t define the moment. Your response does.

This is not to suggest that your response to inconveniences will always result in the outcome you want or any good outcome. Sometimes it won’t. There’s no way of knowing with certainty that everything will work out before you choose how to respond. Your response doesn’t just change outcomes, it also changes events. Sometimes just showing up changes events enough to tilt them more in your favor than you believed.

What I do know is that if you don’t show up, if you don’t try, if you don’t respond with the best of yourself, you close off any opportunity you might have had for a better result, including the luck of things falling into place.

When something important gets uncertain, unstable, or unlikely, show up anyway and try your best. You’ll be surprised how often your best effort will turn an unlikely chance into a big win and a fun story.

And when it doesn’t work out, because sometimes it won’t, you can feel good inside that you showed up, tried your best, and gave something good a chance. 

That, maybe more than the result, is what I believe matters most.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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