Does It Have To Be So Hard?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

It’s easy to think you’d be more content if everything wasn’t so hard. After all, does everything have to take so much work?

Jobs are hard work. Staying in shape is hard work. Parenting is hard work. Relationships are hard work. Focusing is hard work. Change is hard work. Leadership is hard work. Building trust is hard work. Giving or receiving difficult feedback is hard work. I can keep going as long as you could possibly keep reading. Life, and all it entails, is hard work.

We create meaning through effort, not through comfort. Purpose is manifested through work. You will never entertain yourself into a life of meaning and contentment no matter what kind of entertainment you try or how often you try. 

Love, trust, and bonds are the output of purposeful work. Happiness and fulfillment are the product of intense labor. Strength, security, and longevity are forged from the sweat of personal strain.

Effort, not comfort, will feed you, fuel you, and fulfill you.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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