Don’t Listen To The Dark Side

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The exciting part about your mind is the immense power it holds. That also makes it intimidating. Because you know from direct experience that the power of your mind can easily, sometimes frequently, work against you rather than for you.

The immense power of your mind can make you believe things that haven’t happened. Your mind constantly projects forward about what it expects to happen. Whatever it believes is likely to happen can start to feel like reality before it ever actually happens. Fear of public speaking is an example of how the mind uses this power against you. Confidence is how the mind uses this power for you

Your mind will even invent things that aren’t real and make you feel intense emotions about them. Getting angry at a driver on the road is a good example here. You don’t know anything about the person, their life, what they’re doing, or where they’re going. But your mind will invent a bunch of made-up things about the person driving that car, then get upset about those made-up reasons.

At times your mind believes it can read other people’s minds. It invents what it thinks is going on in someone else’s mind — especially the people close to you, who you think you know so well you already know what they’re thinking — rather than asking, listening, and understanding what that person expresses to you.

Your mind is an asset. It’s your greatest asset. It’s also your biggest liability.

When you think and act with discipline, you minimize the liability and negative effects of your mind. You increase its role as an asset and leverage it to your benefit.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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