“I do . . . but I don’t.”

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Your internal experience is complex. So is mine. Because it is not one thing. It is many things all at once.

Thoughts. Desires. Beliefs. Emotions. Doubts. Observations. Dreams. Memories. Expectations. Regrets. Principles. Questions. Hopes. Impulses. Secrets. Concerns. Opinions. And more.

These are almost limitless in strength, frequency, nuance, and detail.

Internal alignment is when the major factors that make up your internal experience agree, cooperate, and support each other to achieve a common aim. Internal misalignment is when at least one core element of your internal experience opposes another.
The easiest example is also the most common.

You want to be in better shape. That is your desire for your reasons. Your thoughts support your desire for that goal. "I need to get in shape. Just do it.", you say to yourself. And you agree with that statement.

But then the time comes to exercise, and you don't feel like it. After exercising for a week or two, you don't believe it is working like you expected. You make eating decisions on impulse even though you know they oppose your aim.

That is what it means to be internally misaligned.

Your feelings, impulses, doubts, and expectations oppose your desires, thoughts, hopes, and dreams. Internal misalignment blocks your best effort.

Even worse, it blocks you from ever succeeding because it prevents you from fulfilling any goal at all. It deadlocks you between opposing forces in an endless, unwinnable tug-of-war. It drains your energy and leaves you exhausted without any reward to show for it.

You could fully align with getting in better shape, or you could fully align with accepting and loving the shape you are in. You can be happy and fulfilled and live an extraordinary life either way.

But nothing works when you are internally misaligned. Everything feels off. Everything feels off. And you feel perpetually lost in a fog that never lifts.

Now do you recognize the nature of internal misalignment? Now do you see it more clearly?

Continue to observe your internal experience and document where you notice internal misalignment.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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