Many of you asked about the podcast I referred to yesterday. It was The Knowledge Project: #187 with Dr. Becky Kennedy. A must-listen for parents and valuable for any relationship. She begins the episode with a definition and description of boundaries that’s the best I’ve ever heard.
This podcast is a great place to jumpstart self-awareness. If you enjoy Daily Discipline, you’ll enjoy Dr. Becky.
Last month, I told you, “Drop your desire for perfection. Raise your commitment to excellence.” Where is that more true than in marriage and parenting?
An expectation of a perfect marriage is an obstacle to an excellent one. Our mistakes are often our best moments to show excellence as parents. Dr. Becky calls this “repair”. Its simplicity is only exceeded by its power.
We build excellence in our relationships by building skills of excellence in ourselves.
Whatever the next step is in that journey for you, take it.
Brick by brick. Do the work.
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