Expand Your Understanding of Discipline

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

There’s a good chance that because you’re reading this you have an existing belief in the importance and value of discipline. Even with that belief it can be a challenge to stay at the level of discipline you want or need.

Part of that reason can be the self-imposed constraints about what discipline is and what it’s supposed to look like. In many cases, those mental constraints are too limiting, too rigid, and too judgmental.

Expand your understanding of discipline. Extend your perspective. See it in a spectrum, a rainbow of colors, not just black or white.

It can range from intense 100% inflexible discipline to 0% total absence of discipline. Not every situation, skill, or behavior pattern belongs at 100% discipline.

Sometimes you may want to be at 80% - 90% discipline, but you’re struggling around 15%. Resist the urge to get emotionally judgmental with yourself for that gap. Instead, work to increase the % week by week.

Be confident building flexibility into your discipline. Rigid things break easily.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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