How much are you willing to struggle?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Not everyone is willing to struggle for improvement, progress, or what they want most. They allow discomfort to deter them and challenges to defeat them.

Resisting your Lower Self and choosing your Higher Self is a struggle. But struggle is a good thing, and this is the best kind of struggle.

It's the fight we engage in to be our better selves. It's the tension we embrace when we feel the pull of our lesser selves but refuse to give in to it. There are obstacles to your Higher Self. There are no obstacles to your Lower Self.

It's because of this struggle that people stop pursuing their Higher Selves. They don't want to struggle. They want less struggle. They would prefer a struggle-free path to their Higher Self.

Since that doesn't exist, they choose the Lower Self option, not because it works and delivers everything they want, but because it's the path of least resistance. You cannot access your Higher Self if you're unwilling to struggle. You will only flirt with it.

Struggling for your Higher Self is a worthy struggle. I encourage you to embrace that struggle. 

You'll be glad you did.

The time is now. Do the work.

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