How to create personal confidence

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

So you lack confidence in an area of your life. No big deal. Confidence can be created. Whether you lost it or never had it, you can create it.

  • Start with an honest awareness of where and why you lack confidence using the four-part checklist I provided yesterday: what, how, capability, and expectations.
  • Once you’re clear on where the gaps in your confidence come from, work on them in a focused way one at a time, starting from the beginning of the list and working your way down.
  • Get yourself into real experiential reps as soon as you can, even while you’re still figuring out what to do and how to do it. Delaying experiential work is a signal that fear is winning the fight in your heart and slams the brakes on your path to more confidence.
  • Based on your understanding, experience, and any guidance you receive, choose the simplest possible what and how you believe you’re capable of learning to do well. A decisive choice that puts you on a focused path is what matters here, not certainty of success.
  • Commit to it for a significantly meaningful period of time. The minimum is three months. Ideally at least six months. A year is probably best. If it’s not meaningful it won’t create confidence or confidence that lasts. 
  • During this period you will not have confidence, so don’t expect it. It’s not there yet. You are creating it. Some days will drag. Others will suck. Doubt will hover. Distractions will look attractive. In those moments, use courage until the confidence comes.
  • Get as many reps as you can, however you can, as often as you can. Immerse yourself fully.

You will not build any confidence by sitting still. You will not build real confidence just by thinking about it. If you want more personal confidence, this is a reliable path of action.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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