How to find the fun in discipline

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Yesterday, I asked you, “Where is the fun in your discipline?”

I want you to really think about that. Then, I want you to generate three real and practical ways for your discipline to intersect with what brings you joy.

For example, I enjoy reading old books to discover timeless wisdom I can use in my own life. That is fun for me. I also have fun doing adrenaline-filled adventures like snowboarding, catching wild snakes, and just about any competitive sport.

It’s important to me, and fun for me, to apply disciplines that support the things I care about and enjoy. It’s not a burden. It’s exciting!

I work hard to bring discipline to my schedule, my decisions, my priorities, my attention, and my standards, not because someone else told me I should, but because it helps me have my kind of fun!

How can you bring a similar approach to your discipline so that it enables your kind of fun?

The time is now. Do the work.

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