How to start activating your highest ability

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Everyone has ability: talent + skill + capacity. But most people have more ability than they demonstrate. They are capable of doing things they choose not to do and making an impact they're not currently making.

Ability requires activation. Until then, it's dormant, neutral, and unrealized. You activate or deactivate your ability. The higher the ability, the harder you must work to activate it.

Activating your ability starts with your perspective.

Sometimes, your perspective deactivates your ability. Your life lens is too rooted in fear, ego, and rationalizations. Your perspective buries your ability under a pile of excuses.

Sometimes, your perspective activates your ability. Your life lens is rooted in confidence, opportunity, and excellence. Your perspective pushes your ability into action and elevates it.

Reflect on three questions this week:

  1. What ability exists within me?
  2. How does my perspective affect how I see my ability?
  3. How does my perspective activate and deactivate my ability?

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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