Invest In Your Greatest Asset

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

What is your greatest asset?

Your mind. 


Because it controls everything.

Your mind controls your view of reality and of yourself. It directs the decisions you make and the reasons you make them. It instructs how you respond to success and also hardship.

Your mind can carry you with courage through tragedy or collapse you like a house of cards with a single thought. It’s what makes you lean into the hard things that improve your life or what makes you avoid them even though the cost is heavy and obvious.

Your mind chooses the beliefs you form, the habits you build, and the priorities you choose. It governs how you engage in relationships, how you treat your health, and what you learn from your unique experiences.

Even your physical body is controlled by your mind. Motor skills, athletic skills, and musical skills are formed in your mind and transferred through your body. Your mind can make you cry, raise or lower your heart rate, tighten your chest, and restrict your breathing.

All this is just the beginning of what your mind controls and what it can do. Of all the assets in your possession, none are more relevant, important, and necessary to invest in than you mind. Because all the rest of your assets are at the mercy of what your mind does with them. Treat it wisely. Build it well.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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