Is “Live in the moment” bad advice?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

"Stay in the present. Be where your feet are. Focus on the moment." You've heard versions of this before. It's the standard advice people give to get the most out of life. Just live in the present moment.

But it depends on what kind of moment you're in, doesn't it?

If you're at Red Rocks watching Zach Bryan sing "Something In The Orange" through falling snow, then yeah, stay in the moment. But if you're sitting at home craving pizza and ice cream when you know you need to eat healthier, you must rise above the moment, not stay in it.

We experience many types of moments. It's essential to stay present in some and rise above others.

When you're playing with your kids or working to solve a complex problem, it's best to stay in the moment. When your toddler is in a tantrum on the grocery store floor, or you're sitting through another pointless meeting at work, it's best to rise above the moment. Context matters.

A perspective that won't look beyond the emotions of the present moment can be dangerous. Impulses that only consider the desires of the moment feed undisciplined decisions that lead to future disappointment.

To be the person you want to be and live the life you want to live requires the discipline to live in the moment and to rise above it. Both are necessary. Live in the present but remain steadfastly committed to your highest priorities, not the impulses of a given moment.

The time is now. Do the work. 

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