Get Off the Sidelines and Get In the Game!

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

If you’re unsure what to do for a goal you want to make happen or a situation you’re facing, you can find reliable approaches with relative ease.

But knowing what to do is always insufficient. A lot of people know what to do.

It’s the courage to actually do it that counts.

If you know what to do but you’re unsure how to do it, you can learn reliable strategies and skills with minimal relative effort.

But knowing how to do something is maybe 20% of the requirement. A lot of people know how to do things. 

It’s the discipline to do all the work that matters most.

Without the courage to start and the discipline to work, your knowledge won’t take you anywhere. You’d be better off mentally without it.

Knowledge is necessary but insufficient. Massively insufficient. It might be time for you to invest in the parts of yourself that really operate the controls.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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