Making the decision to be disciplined

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

I've learned through listening to your feedback over the past seven years how many people want to be more disciplined, but they're afraid.

Afraid of the commitment, of the effort required, of the uncertainty. Fearful of people's opinions, of missing out, of making mistakes.

Committing to discipline and following through surfaces a lot of fears. Where there is no courage, there will be no discipline.

Courage gets you started, keeps you going, and pushes you to follow through. Fear is certain. You will feel it, you will face it, and you will decide what to do with it.

Courage pushes you through the fear and into discipline. A lack of courage pulls you back when you feel fear and away from discipline.

It's a real possibility that you will not improve your discipline until you become more courageous. If you don't bring more courage to your decisions, you will not become as disciplined as you'd like or need.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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