Mastering the two forms of cause & effect

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Cause & effect works in two ways: immediately and eventually. If you want results to lean in your favor, you must recognize and respond to both.

Immediate cause & effect delivers instant consequences for actions. Driving a car, shooting a basketball, and touching a hot stove are examples. The experience between cause & effect feels direct and evident in the moment.

Eventual cause & effect delivers delayed consequences for actions. Reading books, the food you eat, and how you exercise are examples. The association between cause & effect feels indirect and less noticeable in the moment.

Whether it's immediate or eventual, cause & effect is always happening. We typically notice the immediate kind as it's happening. We tend not to recognize the eventual kind as it's happening, only realizing the cause & effect association much later.

When you don't experience immediate cause & effect, turn your attention to the eventual cause & effect. Try to get a sense of the consequences your current actions will someday deliver, especially if they continue and repeat.

This kind of thinking is uncommon. It requires effort, discipline, self-awareness, and aggressive humility.

All the things we study, train, and live here daily.

The time is now. Do the work.

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