On Thinking: Part 4

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Practice does not make perfect. Quality, intensity, and consistency of practice create a wide range of outputs, from awful to exceptional, but not perfect.

Practice does not make permanent. Your capacity to evolve and change as a person and professional is always available, no matter how deep into your life.

Practice makes patterns. What you practice, intentionally or unintentionally, establishes pathways that become familiar, preferable, and comfortable, regardless of their effectiveness.

You think in patterns. We all do. We don't see the actual information about a situation or person. Instead, we see the patterns we have "practiced" thinking.

  • A hard workout is fulfilling or annoying based on your practiced thinking patterns.
  • A mistake is educational or embarrassing based on your practiced thinking patterns.
  • A critique is worth considering or a personal attack based on your practiced thinking patterns.
  • A Liberal/Conservative is good or bad based on your practiced thinking patterns.

Every thought is practice. Every thought process is practice. It all establishes or contributes to your patterns.

The disciplined questions are:

  1. What thinking patterns lead to the decisions and actions that benefit your purpose and priorities the most?
  2. What thinking patterns do you currently have?
  3. What thinking patterns am you practicing?

Answer the call. Do the work.

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