Reality bites.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

You’ll experience a range of consequences when you remove BCD* from your behavior. You’ll feel more in control, see better options, lower your stress, and increase your productivity. But there are less obvious, less enjoyable repercussions too.

Primarily the social consequences.

BCD is the popular behavior of the crowd. It’s the norm. And it’s accepted there. When you diverge from the crowd, when you don’t support or engage in commonly accepted patterns, the crowd rejects you and it can feel isolating. The crowd tries to make you feel like your behavior is strange, questionable, or undesirable — even among family, friends, and colleagues.

With a high degree of confidence I will tell you now: prepare to face a surprising level of rejection for refusing to BCD. It’s a small and worthy price to pay for the ROI it delivers to your life.

Discipline is the shortcut. Do the work.

*BCD = Blaming, Complaining, and Defensiveness.

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