Life is resolving conflict. Not avoiding it. Not hiding from it. Not eliminating it. Resolving it.
Conflict does not always mean opposition. It means tension.
Hunger is a conflict. It is the tension of my body signaling it is low on fuel and needs food to continue operating. The next conflict is deciding what to feed my body. Then where to get it. Then how much to feed it. I solve these conflicts every day. So do you.
Marketing is a conflict. It is the tension of attracting people’s attention to a specific place or action when they can direct their attention anywhere else. Then how to hold attention. Then how to make it lead to something emotionally compelling. Then how to make it trigger a specific action. Then how to make that action valuable for people.
Competition is a conflict. You want to win or defeat an opponent. Curiosity is a conflict. You want to learn about something you don’t know. Sales is a conflict. You want someone to buy when they can buy something else or nothing. Fear is a conflict. You imagine a course of action and the undesirable consequences it could produce.
The ultimate conflict is closing the gap between who you are today and who you are capable of becoming.
Conflict and resolving it. That’s life.
Event + Response = Outcome. Do the work.
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