Start with WHY? No, start with WORK.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We don’t need to understand WHY something works. We only need to recognize THAT it works.

In some cases, there are benefits to understanding why something works, but it isn’t necessary. Those benefits are not requirements for producing good results. Things work just as well and deliver just as much benefit, whether or not we understand why.

A cheetah doesn’t need to understand why it can run so fast before using its speed to capture prey. A toddler doesn’t need to know why it mimics its parents before developing language and mannerisms. I don’t need to understand why deadlifting is an effective exercise before I can experience the benefits of deadlifting.

If you set a mental hurdle that you must understand WHY something works before you’re willing to do it and commit to it, you’ll do very little and commit to almost nothing. You’ll end up in perpetual study and compare mode.

Every new “research,” example, argument, and counterargument will be a new distraction to delay you from doing the work.

If it works, it works. If you want to understand why something works, that’s ok, but get to work first. Develop your understanding through a high volume of action, experience, and observing cause & effect.

Getting results doesn’t depend on understanding why. It depends on effort, action, and discipline.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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