Struggling with discipline? Answer these 10 questions

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Most people stop when things get difficult. Don't be that person.

When you recognize a simple solution, you must not say, "But it's hard," and stop there. Before you disregard any simple solution, answer these 10 questions in writing:

  1. What exactly is difficult about this?
  2. How hard is it objectively?
  3. Why is it hard?
  4. Why is it difficult for me?
  5. Which parts are uniquely challenging for me?
  6. Is it impossible?
  7. Is it unreasonable?
  8. Is it the hardest thing I've ever done or I'll ever do?
  9. Can I build the skills to do this instead of trying to escape it?
  10. If I back down from this effort, what alternative hard things will I have to deal with?

These are not complex questions. You could even call them simple. But some of them might be difficult to answer.

First, you must investigate deep within yourself to discover truthful, non-BS answers. Second, you may feel hesitant to expose the truth of your answers. Some answers you already know but don't want to admit, even to yourself.

If you answer these 10 questions honestly and in writing, you will discover the truth. If you answer these and still believe the correct decision is to not act on the simple solution, then so be it.

Now you know you are keeping your problem around as a pet. You've domesticated it as much as you can, you feed it, and you allow it to live with you of your own free will. Accept this experience and the consequences without complaint or resentment.

But your answers might reveal new clarity, courage, or resolve within you. Use this spark to launch immediate, disciplined action on the simple solution.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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