The fastest learners all do this

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

A subtle separator between people who improve quicker vs. people who languish is what they do with what they learn. It's only subtle because you don't get to observe the process, only the product.

You don't see how people think and wrestle with what they read, watch, or hear. You don't witness their initial attempts to apply new approaches, techniques, and strategies. You might see snippets. You observe moments. But you can't see all that goes into it.

People who improve faster consume less and apply more. Certain driven people consume more and apply even more. People who languish consume more and use less. They might consume voraciously, but they apply weakly. That is their undoing. Full of classroom knowledge, lacking the real-world skill.

What is your ratio of time spent consuming educational content to time spent applying it?

For every hour of reading, how much time do you spend practicing what you read? For every hour of a podcast you listen to, how much time do you spend implementing what you heard?

Accelerating the results you want might require that you consume less and do more of it. I can almost guarantee it except for the rare case. Here at the midpoint of the year is an excellent time to make this transition. It will pay dividends come January.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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