The decisions you make in conflict define your life

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

You're in a conflict.

You must die ("memento mori" in Latin) but don't want to die. Not yet. You're not done. But what exactly would death interrupt? What is it you still need to finish? How much progress are you making?

This is your conflict.

Your desire to live directly conflicts with the reality that you will one day die. Your desire to experience every good thing life has to offer is in direct conflict with the time and opportunities you have to do them.

Conflict forces decisions.

The conflict between life and death forces you to decide why to live, how to live, and what to do with the time between now and your final breath. 

These are the decisions that define life. Decisions that raise you above fear to a higher level of purpose and fulfillment. Decisions that drown your life in anticipation and anxiety. Or decisions that keep you treading water, perpetually in hesitation and procrastination.

We can't resolve death, but we can resolve our conflict.

We can decide how to live so that no matter how or when life ends, we love the adventure we chose, it was a journey worth taking, and when our ship comes to port, we are neither afraid nor regretful to disembark.

The time is now. Do the work.

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