The Road to Victory

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

I’m pretty certain that if I told you to put maximum effort — blood, sweat, and tears — into an effort that you would eventually fail to accomplish, you would likely decline.

If you knew you’d fail, it’s unlikely to get your best effort.

Some of the most meaningful lessons and life-changing experiences are those things we pour ourselves into, commit our lives to, that ultimately fail.

What we don’t know before we take that journey and hit that devastating wall, that gut wrenching realization, is how the journey that leads to failure will change us and what it will lead us into.

I can’t tell you where it leads. I can’t promise what will work and what will fail, what will pay off and what won’t.

Effort pays. Maybe now. Maybe later. Intense effort over extended time, even across seemingly disconnected journeys, pays even more.

Time and time again, the effort you give now will pay its highest dividends in ways you cannot possibly predict.

Whether or not your effort pays off in the ways you want with your current focus is unknown. If your effort is high and sustained, it will pay off somewhere. Even if you can’t see it yet.

Maintain your effort with vigilance, confidence, and discipline. The world rewards it.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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