The SUPERPOWER at your fingertips

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

There is one superpower everyone is capable of utilizing, but only a small percentage of people do. This superpower allows you to discover, learn, understand, improve, and achieve nearly anything.

The superpower of consistent, continuous, disciplined effort: Show up. Do the work. Recover. Repeat until mission accomplished.

So what's the catch?

It takes an unknowable amount of time.

You have to show up, do the work, recover, and repeat without knowing how long it will take to accomplish the mission. Depending on the mission, it could take a few months, a few years, or most of your life.

That's why people quit. Not because they're incapable but because they're unwilling to give consistent, continuous, disciplined effort in uncertainty as long as it takes.

All are capable. Few are willing.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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