What to do when you feel misaligned

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Perfect and complete internal alignment is rare. 

The first checkpoint is creating enough internal alignment to activate action. That most likely happens by avoiding or eliminating opposing forces that pull you away from alignment.

Once you have enough internal alignment to activate action, then you can work on strengthening your action. Any forward action is your first responsibility. Then, you can work on strengthening it through deeper levels of internal alignment.

Do not expect 100% internal alignment from yourself at all times. If you do, you are at risk of using 90% alignment as justification for avoiding action.

All you need is 51% alignment to start moving in that direction. Break the stalemate. Create movement—any movement—in any aligned direction. You can strengthen your action through deeper alignment later.

Imperfect internal alignment may drive imperfect action, but imperfect action in any direction makes necessary progress.

You do not need perfect internal alignment. You need enough internal alignment to overcome your resistance to disciplined action.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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