Why don’t you give yourself permission?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

There is little, if anything, in the external world you must wait on before getting your internal where you want to be. 

You can finally be confident once you have more experience, a proven track record of success, and people have validated you.

Or you can be confident where you are now.

You can finally be happy and fulfilled once you have financial flexibility, a job that fits your purpose, and you've accomplished your career aspirations.

Or you can be happy and fulfilled where you are now.

You can finally be optimistic once you have clarity, all the right pieces in place, and you start to see progress 

Or you can be optimistic where you are now.

You can finally be disciplined once your schedule isn't so busy, you put a plan together, and you feel prepared.

Or you can be disciplined where you are now.

The external world is imperfect, volatile, and uncertain. It always will be.

Shape your inner world to be what you want it to be without waiting on the external world to grant you access.

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