You’re only making it harder on yourself

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The action you avoid now is still necessary later. But avoiding the first opportunity to act tends to domino into avoiding future opportunities. Until you can no longer escape it. Then you must do at last what you could have done at first.

The action you do after having long avoided it costs more and produces less. The burden of action is even heavier than when you first resisted it. The desired outcome is more difficult to achieve. The whole experience is more stressful.

No matter how many times you create a reason not to do something, you will reach the end of that road. Once you get there, three things happen:

  1. You pay the full price for your avoidance.
  2. You do in the end what you tried to escape in the beginning.
  3. You wonder why you waited so long.

Don’t wait until you reach the end of avoidance road. Act now.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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