People who set sail in search of fulfillment outside themselves get lost at sea. That is a voyage without a shore.
You can sail in any direction you want. Fulfillment is not out there. Go this way or that. Chase one thing or another. You will be out there searching until storms sink you or you run out of time and resources. It is a journey destined to end at sea, far from the shores of fulfillment.
People who seek fulfillment within themselves discover a peaceful truth.
Fulfillment is not on a hidden, distant coast. It does not require a special vessel guided by a heavenly compass. Fulfillment lives in you, not out there.
No matter how much you achieve, you will not find lasting fulfillment through your accomplishments. No matter where you go or how far, you will not find it in your destinations.
You may think you have found fulfillment in another person, but give it time. You will realize that, too, was a false shore. Not because the other person is lacking but because your fulfillment cannot live in them.
Your fulfillment does not belong to anyone else. It belongs to you.
Set sail in quest of adventure. Set sail in hunt of excellence. Set sail in pursuit of wisdom. But do not set sail expecting or hoping to reach fulfillment on some other shore.
Your fulfillment lives in your heart. It goes where you go. It goes as you go. Wherever you are, there you must forge your fulfillment.
Brick by brick. Do the work.
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