A surprise trick up my sleeve to end the year

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Welcome to December, the last month of the first year of Daily Discipline. Writing these messages every weekday since January 1, watching this audience grow, hearing your stories, and receiving your messages in return has been the singular highlight of my year.

Thank you for making these messages part of your day, whether this is your first or your 240th.

Daily Discipline in December is going to be a little different and a lot of fun. We’re revealing and reviewing 20 specific behavior skills, one each day, through the lens of self-awareness, self-discipline, and self-confidence.

I’ll introduce the first behavior skill, and the schedule for the remaining 19, tomorrow morning. If you’ve ever thought about recommending a friend to sign up, now is the perfect time to act.

Do the work.

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Image of Brian Kight
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