Don’t prevent your own discipline

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

You know that better discipline will deliver better results for you. Deep down, you don’t doubt that.

When you hesitate to embrace discipline fully, it’s not because you doubt discipline. It’s because you doubt yourself. And it usually revolves around two primary friction points.

The first friction point is a lack of confidence.

You lack a strong inner belief that you can be and stay disciplined. You sell yourself short inside your own mind.

The second friction point is fear of what you may lose.

You’re afraid that improving your discipline will remove things you enjoy and reduce your life to a boring, rigid routine devoid of fun or flexibility. It’s not true, but the joyless picture you paint is enough to trigger resistance.

Discipline works, and you know it. That’s not the issue. You are the issue. That’s where the work must start. It is as necessary for me as it is for you.

If we are going to leverage discipline and experience its value, we can’t be our own limiting force.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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