Many myths exist about discipline.
The most common myth is that discipline should look a certain way: stern, strict, sober, precise, routine, etc.
That's not discipline. That's style. That's strategy. Discipline is different.
The myth is that your discipline should look like someone else's model of discipline (Jocko, David Goggins, Nick Saban, etc). Their model of discipline fits who they are, how they want to live, and what they want to accomplish.
Your model of discipline must do the same for you. It must fit you. It must support who you are and how you want to live. The first step is figuring out your model of discipline, not a copy of someone else.
But also, your discipline must produce. It has to work. It must be effective at what you want to accomplish.
Don't fall for the myth that your discipline must match someone else's model. That's their approach. Find yours.
Just make sure it actually works. Style over substance is no way to live your life.
Brick by brick. Do the work.
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