How discipline affects decisions and actions

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Let's keep stacking bricks of discipline onto our foundation of talent and opportunity.

The first brick was recognizing discipline is the bridge from opportunity to success. The second brick was understanding discipline's job is to drive decisions and actions.

Discipline drives decisions and actions that take us from opportunity to success, decisions and actions we might neglect if not for our discipline.

The next brick is how discipline affects our decisions and actions.

Discipline improves the quality of our decisions and the strength of our actions in four ways:

  1. It clarifies purpose.
  2. It raises standards.
  3. It increases effort.
  4. It improves skill.

Consider two different scenarios using your logical and your emotional lens.

Option A:
Decisions and actions with weak purpose, low standards, uninspired effort, and average skill.

Option B:
Decisions and actions with stronger purpose, higher standards, greater effort, and sharper skill.

One of those options is more likely than the other to deliver what you want out of life.

Was this breakdown useful for you? How so?

The time is now. Do the work.

PS - Explore more potential scenarios by mixing & matching different combinations of purpose, standards, effort, and skill. (i.e., strong purpose and skills, but low standards and effort, etc.) If you pay attention, you'll recognize that any combination you consider is easily observable in people's behavior, including the consequences of that combo. Observing patterns and consequences is an easy way to get mental reps and learn through others.

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