No more soulless discipline

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We have lost the art of discipline. And with it, the skill. Like many things in the modern world, discipline divorced from its roots and lost its soul.

In the old world, discipline was synonymous with learning and skill, not a means to them. Discipline was skill, and we taught and crafted it that way. Now, it is synonymous with rules and strict adherence. It is something we impose and enforce.

Discipline is strength through power, but it's also quality through skill. Skill without power is helpless. Power without skill is dangerous.

Discipline disconnected from skill is soulless. It's either mindless compliance or power you don't know how to use for a productive purpose.

The purpose of discipline is to produce excellence. Excellence in actions, in interactions, in results.
Excellence requires skillful discipline, not soulless discipline.

The purpose of discipline is also to find fulfillment. Fulfillment in our efforts, our relationships, in our daily existence.

Fulfillment requires skillful discipline, not soulless discipline.

Treat your discipline as a craft. Develop it like an art. The unique skills of your personal discipline will emerge from that effort. Invisibly, slowly, then suddenly.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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